Seagate Guardian Series Hard Disks Meets Consumers
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The capacity of the digital data we own is growing each day gradually. It is possible to sense this growth by looking at the storage capacities of our phones, computers and digital cameras. Data Storage solution producer Seagate has introduced its new 10 TB hard drives in Turkey taking into consideration this growth and the needs of the individuals and corporates.
Within her speech during the demo activity, Ilknur Baydak, Sr. Country Manager at Seagate Turkey stated that the Guardian Series which contain BarraCuda and FireCuda for computers, Iron Wolf for NAS (Network Attached Storage) systems and SkyHawk for video recorders were produced according to the needs of these separate areas.
Mentioning that 60 percent of the corporate data generated all over the world is being stored on Seagate hard drives, Baydak underlined the fact that by using this experience they had been able to analyze the real needs of the corporates. She also added that by using their new drives which have reached a capacity of 10 TB, it would be much easier and practical to keep and manage the individual and corporal digital data. Baydak emphasized on the advantages of the unique features and the speed of these new hard drives as well.
Data Diet is Essential
Drawing the attention to the incredible amount of the data produced all over the world, Baydak explained that the data storage technologies could hardly reach the speed of all this data.
“By the year 2020, we consider that the data produced worldwide will reach 44ZB (ZettaByte). That is ten times bigger than the data generated in last two years. The present capacities can only store the 9,9 ZB of this data. Unfortunately, we are not aware that we cannot store all kinds of data. Therefore, we are now advising our individual and corporate users Data Diet suggestions.” Baydak also underlined the fact that especially the corporates will have to practice these Data Diets within a near future.
Digital Life Under 2 Years Guarantee!
Emphasizing on the reality that the loss of even a small data can cause a headache, Ilknur Baydak explained that their data recovery service Rescue+ had become a standard in some of their hard drives rather than an optional service. For the time being, they will sustain 2 years free data recovery service for Seagate BarraCuda Pro and IronWolf Pro hard drives. Using this service, all the data in these drives will be secured against any accidental or mechanical breakdowns.
Please feel free to watch the interview we have achieved with Ilknur Baydak, Sr. Country Manager at Seagate Turkey below video in Turkish.