Author: Fatih Sarı

Fatih Sarı

He writes about technology for 20 years. Fan of Besiktas, father of Kartal 'Eagle'. He is worried that the calculation devices of the future will be abacus.

Gadgets / by Fatih Sarı -

Huawei P9 is almost here – Details

Huawei Consumer Electronics Business Group launches Huawei P9 smartphone equipped with dual-camera developed in collaboration with Leica to the Turkish market. Huawei’s latest flagship P9 Dual Camera is perfected with…

Gadgets / by Fatih Sarı -

Logitech G, meets the world of games

Logitech, adding values to game entertainments with its products organized an enjoyable, interactive event to meet the world of games and technology writers. The gathering was realized at Beşiktaş Vodafone…

Business / by Fatih Sarı -

ERP manufacturers met

Board of ERP manufacturers and service providers met fifth times under Mikro Software’s hospitality. 1TC, abas Türkiye, Akdatasoft, Analitik Bilişim, BİMSA, CPM, Link Bilgisayar Çözüm Ortağı Devre Bilgisayar, DNA Proje,…