Industry 4.0 Conference by IDC Turkey
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International Data Corporation (IDC) is announced the launch of its new ‘Industry 4.0’ conference for Turkey. Taking place at Istanbul’s Wyndham Grand Levent Hotel on October 12, the event will provide an ideal platform for discussing the latest global trends in manufacturing and gaining a clear insight into the industry’s future here in Turkey, with a roster of industry experts sharing their own experiences regarding the use of smart technologies within their organizations.
“The concepts of ‘Digital Transformation’ and ‘Industry 4.0’ are experiencing growing traction in the media,” says Nevin Cizmeciogullari, country manager at IDC Turkey. “Both are closely related, as IDC sees the fourth industrial revolution as a technological evolution from embedded systems to cyber-physical systems. This process will radically transform production value chains and business models, but to understand the basics of this revolution, we must first understand the role of digital transformation. There can be no doubt that the fourth industrial revolution is already underway in the manufacturing space, but so is digital transformation in other industries, and there are valuable lessons that can be learned.”
IDC’s ‘Industry 4.0’ conference will explore these lessons and explain how 3rd Platform technologies are enabling the manufacturing industry to leverage the potential of fourth industrial revolution to the maximum extent. It will show how the integration of advanced robotics, Internet of Things, 3D print, cognitive systems, virtual and augmented reality, etc. into a connected, automated production system is the true substance of the ‘new industry’.
While an unusually fast development of information technologies and their fast adoption in manufacturing is driving the fourth industrial revolution, IDC aims to present successful strategies and projects inspired by the Industry 4.0 concept, spark interest in this theme, and stimulate investment into new information technologies as the cornerstones of future smart factories. To ensure that the very latest vertical-specific technologies are covered at the ‘Industry 4.0’ conference in Istanbul, IDC has partnered with a number of leading vendors and channels, including the likes of General Electric, Koc Sistem, Intel, Checkpoint, Fortinet, Fujitsu, Microsoft, Ixia, Nutanix, Simplivity, İstanbul Pazarlama, Panasoniz and Itelligence.