Kaspersky Lab: Protection, an essential in digital life
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Upon the improvement of cyber threats, knowledge about cyber security has become a major issue along with the procurement of a high physical protection. Believing that an awareness of the challenges of such threats which affects all devices and operating systems all over the world and Turkey must be raised, Kaspersky Lab has organized a meeting focusing on this topic.
Please feel free to watch our evaluation interview we have realized upon the meeting with Sertan Selçuk, Country Manager for Turkey at Kaspersky Lab in Turkish.
Stefan Tanase, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab, indicated that the criminals stealing big amounts of money from the users make bigger profits than stealing wallets or threatening a bank’s website. He also mentioned that “In a sense, it looks like that this spyware can work more efficiently and extensively rather than actual spies. While individuals require a lot about physical protection, they under-estimate the risks they are facing in cyber challenges. With every click on our digital devices, we have to be aware of such cyber security risks, and we have to be prepared accordingly.”
A lot of users tend to disdain or under-estimate these cyber threats even if they have already met them. According to the Consumer Security Risks Survey 2016, more than one-third of the users in Turkey (35%) have fallen into the traps of cyber criminals, while, only one fifth of them (23%) consider that they are facing a real time online challenge or threat.
Such malware and other tricks used by cybercriminals obstruct users to stay online. Solutions against such threats can be using comprehensive cyber security software such as Kaspersky Total Security multi-device as well as being aware of certain basic cyber security principals.
- Do not open untrusted files and trace unknown links.
- If you have any doubts about a link shared by your friend’s e-mail, messaging or social media, check the reality of this link discussing with them because someone might have reached their accounts.
- If you are sending your personal or secret data to someone, make sure about his identity.
- Before you enter your personal data check its URL address. Make sure that this address does not contain any additional character or a sign. That is a common trick used by cyber criminals to capture the careless users. Notably, while entering passwords, please check that it has a secure https connection. The address should start with HTTPS://, instead of HTTP://.
- Use strong and complicated passwords: For all your services and accounts use a separate password for each. You can use tools like Kaspersky Password Manager to form and remember different and complicated passwords and to keep them safe.
- Use only legal software (or secure open-source software). This software must ensure your PC’s stable performance and protect your data. Keep your software updated regularly and remove the programs you are not using.
- Use a comprehensive cyber security solution on your PC, smartphone, and tablet and update it regularly. For example, Kaspersky Internet Security – multi-device 2017 is a robust security solution for the whole family to protect against malware, online spyware, dangerous websites, frauds, and robbery.