Penta has become a business partner of Arcserve
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Penta continues to increase its power in value-added and corporate products
#PentaTeknoloji #Arcserve #NecmiÖn #KamilDukul
Penta, which has many collaborations with leading brands, widens the range of technological solutions it offers for institutions, thanks to the partnership with Arcserve. Arcserve is an image- and application-based backup and replication solution that is developed for hybrid platforms, which provide the backup of virtual and physical platforms within company environment or on the cloud. Arcserve has an active user base that is more than 45 thousand in more than 150 countries
“The best backup and disaster recovery” being in the first place, Arcserve received three golden awards in VMworld event of WMware organized in San Francisco and Barcelona. Arcserve has reached to a significant position in the market showing 28,3% growth in the first year and 41% growth in the second. Arcserve, which aims to grow fivefold in 5 years, has gained a considerable acceleration.
A significant partnership
Sales Marketing Director Necmi Ön from Penta, which increased its power in technology after the partnership with Arcserve, stated:
“We believe that the collaboration we commenced with Arcserve as the only distributor on Backup and Business Continuity, one of essential building blocks of our end-to-end solution offer strategy, will create positive impacts on the market. Arcserve enhances its market share rapidly; thanks to its flexible structure which can substantiate backup and business continuity processes of virtual, cloud-based and physical servers through a single interface; to instantaneous replication; and to the best performance in monopolization support and competitiveness. Redefining value-added distributorship, Penta Technology realized another of its significant targets with Arcserve on its way to offer distinctive solutions for business partners.”
Kamil Dukul, Arcserve Business Development Manager, summarized the collaboration thus:
“Together with Arcserve, Penta is one of the building blocks which were established in the beginnings of 1990s and one of the leading distributor companies of Turkey. Accordingly, we took a step with Penta Technology for the reinforcement of our current channel network in parallel to our growth targets in Turkey. The new distributorship agreement we signed with Penta Technology is crucial for us to our channel-focused sales strategy to be able to offer the best service to our Business Partners and customers, and to respond immediately to the increasing market needs.”
You can watch an interview with Sales Marketing Director Necmi Ön from Penta and Kamil Dukul, Arcserve Business Development Manager below in Turkish.